C-Phrase on a Debian VM
Some customers would like to run C-Phrase on cloud providers other than AWS.
This can be arranged.
Please email us at contact@c-phrase.com to obtain a
file. Once you have the zip file, launch a
Debian 12 VM on your cloud service (e.g.
on Google Cloud ). Use something like scp
to upload
the zip file to the home directory of the main user (likely admin
) of your Debian VM.
So, for example, if your VM has the public DNS, something like the following will upload the ZIP.
scp -i cph2.pem c-phrase.zip azureuser@
Install C-Phrase on to your Debian VM
SSH into your VM and execute the following commands:
sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get install zip -y unzip c-phrase.zip sudo delivery/install-base-debian.sh sudo delivery/install-c-phrase-debian.sh ./set-admin-password.sh
You may find it necessary to manage admin user names and passwords directly in the Admin Server configuration file. Do this via:
sudo nano /usr/share/cphrase/web_admin/config.json
Launching the Admin Server
From your home directory simply type:
Now assuming that you have ingress on port 9999 point your browser at the public IP of your VM using http.
So if your VM is running with IP
point your browser at
and you should be able to reach
the admin login page. The username is "admin" and the password is what you set above.
Upgrading to a new version of the ZIP
If you receive a new C-Phrase ZIP with new features and bug fixes, simply unzip the new ZIP as above and execute the commands.
unzip c-phrase.zip sudo delivery/install-base-debian.sh sudo delivery/install-c-phrase-debian.sh ./set-admin-password.sh ./restart.sh